Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I had no idea that back in 2005, podcast was the word of the year! Imagine that! For me, listening to podcasts is a really new thing, and I am amazed that I am able to do it. Currently, I am listening to a podcast from 89.3 in Ohio-wmkv--which has really old swing music on there, plus some terrific comedy. I just heard a bit from Lily Tomlin as Ernestine when she "called" J. Edgar Hoover, and was laughing out loud. I am also trying to figure out how to listen to the Marc Steiner show, and hopefully will be able to do so soon.

As I was trying to locate a podcast that I would be interested in hearing, I noticed that there were a lot of ones that were somewhat lewd. I am not a prude, but the idea of hearing stuff like that appalls me, and I do wonder where we are all headed in the name of "freedom of speech." Television is getting coarser, magazine covers are all about sex, and it seems as if all of the tools that we are developing are leading us down this path as well. Is this what we really want? Is this what we want for our children?

For now, I'm happy with listening to music from a different age. It truly has me happy.

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